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Explore BIPOC POP 2022 March 10-11th

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SXSW 2022 is fast approaching and BIPOC POP 2022 will bring together creatives, scholars, and industry leaders working in the comics, gaming, animation, and multimedia arts for 2 days to focus on strengthening community through the sharing of cutting edge creative critical knowledge-making in the graphic storytelling arts. Hosted by UT’s Latinx Pop Lab, Ad Astra Media and Lainx Spaces, BIPOC Pop 2022 will clear a creative-critical space for making and strengthening community and creative critical action today and tomorrow in the comics, gaming, animation, & multimedia storytelling arts.

Hosted on the UT campus March 10th and 11th, there will be 80 participants, 12 panels, 3 screenings, and 60 speakers, making a space for BIPOC to discuss pop culture critically. For a full schedule see below

Location: 305 E 23rd St | Julius Glickman Conference Center | Patton Hall | Room 1.302B

9AM-10AM: Cafecito/Tea/Dulce Meet-&-Greet & Welcome!

10AM-10:45: “Decolonizing BIPOC Masculinities”
Carina Guevara, Maxi Rodriguez, David Bowles
Facilitator: Aaron Aceves

11AM-11:45: “Laughter & Remembering”
The 5Meats (Oscar Garza with Rolo Esquivel), Jaime Crespo, Peter Murrieta.
Facilitator: Mauricio Espinoza

Noon-1PM Lunch (provided)

Screening/Talkback I:
Marc Sanchez: “Sombras”
Lee Francis IV “IndigiGenius”
Facilitator: Adrian Villegas

1-1:45PM: “Monsters; or Quotidian Superheroes?”
Chris Escobar, Javier Solorzano, La Morris Richmond, Pablo Castro.
Facilitator: Maite Urcaregui

2-2:45PM: “Geopolitics in the Borderlands”
Zeke Peña, Jennifer Gomez Menjivar, Héctor Rodríguez, José Alaniz.
Facilitator: Fernanda Diaz-Bateris

3-3:45PM: “Building Community by Working with Community”
Myra Lara, Uko Smith, David Brown, Hector Garza.
Facilitator: Stanford Carpenter

4-4:45PM: “BIPOC Mythologies & the Speculative”
Alé Juvera, Garcia, Jennifer Caroccio Maldonado, Jennifer Gomez Menjivar.
Facilitator: Jiba Anderson

Location: 305 E 23rd St | Julius Glickman Conference Center | Patton Hall | Room 1.302B

8:30AM: Cafecito/Tea/Dulce

9-9:45: “Decolonizing the Master’s House: Roundtable”
Mauricio Espinoza, Maite Urcaregui, Jessica Rutherford, Roxana Loza, Francesca Lyn.
Facilitator: Anthony R. Ramirez

10AM-10:45: “Storytelling for New Gen BIPOC Audiences”
Candy Briones, Pablo Leon, Kat Fajardo, Paul and Carlos Meyer
Facilitator: Hector F L’Hoeste.

11AM-11:45: “Global Forms & Ancestral Identities”
Greg Anderson, Kofi M. Bazzell-Smith, Jiba M. Anderson, Enrique Garcia, Fernanda Diaz-Bateris.
Facilitator: Jessica Rutherford

12-1PM Lunch (Provided)

Best BIPOC Pop Student Essay Award!

Animation screening/Talkback II:
Robert Gonzales “Boojalé”
Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis: “Jet Boy”
Facilitator: Darius Gainer, author of Black Representation in the World of Animation

1-1:45PM: “Shaping New K-12 & College Creative Critical Learning Spaces”
José Morey, Melissa Noelle, Héctor Cantu, JM Hunter.
Facilitator: Lydia CdeBaca-Cruz

2-2:45PM: “Developing, Branding & Amplifying BIPOC Stories”
Angélique Roche, Lee Francis IV, Aaron Jimenez, Stanford Carpenter.
Facilitator: José Morey

3-3:45PM: “Creative Critical Makers in the BIPOC Gaming Arts”
Regina Mills, Erin Roberts, Kate Sánchez, Anthony Ramirez.
Facilitator: Frederick Luis Aldama

4-4:45PM: Marvel Panel Latinx Communidades
Terry Blas, Julio Anta, Angélique Roche, Frederick Luis Aldama
Facilitator: Deborah Elizabeth Whaley

4:45-5pm: Reflection and Take Aways

For more information about the event, please head to the website here and to keep up with the Latinx Pop Lab, head here.

Explore BIPOC POP 2022 March 10-11th
Source: Gen Z Pinoys

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